K.M. TOEPFER – "Undercut" CS

Absurd Exposition Distro Item
Sparse flutter. Disintegration. Something doesn’t sound organic. Is the hard drive skipping? Digital rain pattering on a digital roof. Compressed downpour. The user’s screams as the programmed acid rain starts to decompile the up-linked mind. The howls of distant coded wolves hiding in the pixelated forest. Blocks of greens and blacks. Numbers. Someone – no, some-thing is scanning you. You are lost. There is no hope here. Wherever “here” is. An eternity inside the machine. Never a way out until the processor sputters. Flatline. You’ve been deleted. You wake up. The Inner Light. What is real? What is not? Analog and digital become homologous. You scrub the data. You wipe the slate clean. Erase the tape. Burn the pages. You forget the life you’ve just lived. You try to get on with the day to day.
Creating harsh noise under the POTIER. moniker from the mid-2000s through to the mid-2010s, K.M. Toepfer has since turned to establishing experiments in his new frontier of raw image data and audio manipulations, as showcased on releases via his own Lead Lozenges label, and the processing of micro cassette feedback and white noise – culminating in the sounds presented here.
C30. Edition of 101 pro-dubbed on black tapes with paper labels.
Includes download code. Download includes PDF artwork.