The Dead Mauriacs - "Nostalgie de la chasse à l'homme dans les couloirs du Splendid Hôtel" CS

• High Bias Cassette
• Real Time Duplication
• White Shell with Black Ink Imprint
• 3 Panel Linen J Card
• Extra Download Code
The album title means something like: Nostalgia of manhunting in the corridors of the Splendid Hotel.
Splendid Hôtel never existed but there is a sentence in an Arthur Rimbaud poem "Et le Splendide Hôtel fut bâti dans le chaos des glaces et de nuit du pôle" And the Splendid Hotel was built in the chaos of ice and night of the north pole.
At the end of the XIX century, it was fashionable to build temporary glass architecture buildings. I just imagined a kind of hotel in the north pole where people could come to experience strange joys like killing other people... A sort of discreet Disneyland for jet-setters.
Olivier Prieur - Electricity, Pick-up Coil, Larsen, Voice, Glass Tube, Samples, Computer & Text (only if you decide to use any of the description)
Artwork & Layout by Flesh & Bone Design
Mastered by A.F. Jones at Laminal Audio